The Keeshond Club of Canada has two different types of awards - Lifetime and Annual. The CKC also calculates annual awards.
CKC Annual Awards
Keeshonden who have won Best of Breed or better are considered in these calculations. One point is awarded for each dog beaten.
KCC Lifetime Awards
Open to all Keeshonden, living or dead, regardless of ownership, who have produced an outstanding number of Champion offspring, OR who have excelled in either Conformation or Obedience. Only wins in Canada shall apply.
Please submit your application forms to the Statistician.
CHOF (Canadian Hall Of Fame) Conformation:
For dogs who have excelled in the conformation ring
COMX (Certificate Of Merit Excellent):
For males who have sired 25 or more champion offspring
For females who have produced 10 or more champion offspring
KCC Annual Awards
There are two categories of Annual awards - those that are awarded automatically, and those which must be applied for. Recipients must be owned by a KCC member. Names of recipients will be published in the July/August edition of our bi-monthly Newsletter.
Automatic Awards
Top Show Male - Based on KCC statistics for Breed, Group & Best in Show wins, using the KCC system
Top Show Bitch - Compiled using the same system as the Top Show Male
Top Keeshond - Based on the number of Keeshonden beaten at BOB and BOS levels only
Top Opposite Sex Keeshond - Compiled using the same system for Top Keeshond
Top Puppy - Winner is determined by the KCC puppy point system
Top Obedience Keeshond - Winner is determined using the KCC system based on on qualifying scores
Top Obedience & Champion of Record Keeshond - Winner determined as for Top Obedience Keeshond, however the dog must also be a Champion
Awards to be applied for:
Breeder of The Year - For the member/breeder of the largest combined total of champions and obedience title holders
Top Stud Dog - For the dog siring the most champion offspring finished in the award year
Top Brood Bitch - For the bitch producing the most champion offspring finished in the award year
Top Dual Keeshond - For the one Keeshond who has successfully competed in both conformation & obedience
Most Versatile Keeshond - This award is for one Keeshond who has excelled in work other than conformation and/or obedience